Frequently Asked Questions
Immediately call 911. Then please notify the Main Office (650-851-2140) or speak with a Park employee at your earliest opportunity.
Yes, we are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose charter includes land stewardship, equestrian education and equestrian sport.
Membership is required to use Park facilities unless one is a registered participant in a competition/special event, or if they are attending as a spectator for a competition/special event that is open to the public. You can read about membership here.
No, we do not offer horse rentals at the Park. Persons interested in riding in one of our resident programs should contact them directly.
Our multi-discipline show season runs from April through October and each event is coordinated by its specific show manager. You can find our events calendar here.
The Park is honored to support a broad array of equestrian disciplines. These include (but are not limited to): three-day eventing, dressage, hunter/jumper, reining, vaulting, polo, therapeutic riding, western pleasure, trail riding, mounted colorguard and more! Learn more about our equestrian sports here.
Only Full Members are allowed to bring their dogs and they must comply with Park rules regarding dog usage. You can read our dog walking rules here.
Yes, any rider schooling on the cross-country course must wear a safety helmet, protective vest, and be accompanied by a partner over 18 years of age with a mobile phone on their person. Learn more about cross-country rules here.
The primary purpose of the covered arena is to enable you to exercise your horse(s) during extended periods of inclement weather and/or in the event the outside arenas are unavailable. Thus, in order to facilitate the use of the covered arena and assure a safe environment, a Use Policy has been established as follows;
An Allocated Time schedule will be determined during periods of inclement weather and/or in the event all outside arenas are unavailable.
Use will be prioritized as follows; resident training operations, resident non-training boarders, full-use members, and day-use members; this is warranted due to the size of the arena and the quantity of horses maintained at the Horse Park.
Primary use will be flat work only.
No Headsets are allowed during Allocated schedule.
When Covered Arena is in an “Open to All” status, and no other arenas are open, lesson schedules are not permitted. This is due to the fact that most lessons are at the same time of the day thus becoming impractical to implement lesson schedules into the process.
A no lunging/ponying policy will be in force, due to safety concerns and footing issues.
A no hand walking of horses policy will be in force due to safety concerns, except in a therapeutic riding situation, with management's approval, during that allocated time slot.
A NO dog policy will be in force during the priority-use schedule, in or around the arena.
Clinics, shows, club activities, etc… will not be permitted, in order to accommodate the quantity of horses maintained at the Horse Park.
Jumps, dressage courts, obstacles, will not be permitted, except in extenuating circumstances and/or event prep during allocated trainer time slots, and then only with HPW management prior approval.
On-site non-training boarders may utilize arena at all times, except in the event there are jumps, and/or obstacles permitted during a trainer’s allocated time, but only with management’s approval.
Deals, arrangements, trades, exchanges, of allocated time slots between trainers and/or boarders specific to the use or schedule of the covered arena will not be permitted; all scheduling and arena policies are the responsibility of HPW management.
Proper arena etiquette, courtesy, respect, and common sense must be practiced at all times.
The allocated time schedule is prioritized and based on resident training operations, resident boarders, size of training operations, resident trainer’s event prep needs, and non-resident general membership needs.
In the event the above policies are disregarded, further arena restrictions, membership revocation, and/or eviction may be enforced.